Showing posts from June, 2020

7 Best Tips to be Effective during Lockdown

Every single person among us is facing this lockdown in 2020. Not only you and …

How to Make Delicious Sri Lankan Fish Cutlets: Original Recipe

Ingredients: Mackerel Tin Fish 285g 3 Potatoes  2 Eggs Bread crumbs 200g 5-7 Gr…

Cook Chilli Paneer at Home: Easy Chilli Paneer Recipe

Ingredients you need         Paneer Maida Flour (All purpose flour) Corn flou…

Make Coffee Mousse Recipe At Home: A Quick Recipe

Ingredients you need: Gelatine  500 ml Milk  Corn flour Sugar Instant Coffee Sa…

The 10 Best Tips to Wake Up Early in the Morning

Are you an early bird or a night owl?  Ask this question to yourself. If you go…

That is All