7 Best Tips to be Effective during Lockdown - Flexi Times

Every single person among us is facing this lockdown in 2020.

Not only you and me.



We all have become familiar with these words now.

In this post, I’m not going to tell you how to work and how to study and all.

There are enough posts to advise you on a master level.

Then, what this post all about? I can hear what you are thinking now.

The most important part of our life is to lead a successful personal life.

You may be a CEO or CTO of a company.

You may be the first year in your college or maybe still in high school.

This post is for all the people out there to be successful during this lockdown.

Lockdown is a challenge for all of us. We all should stand up against that.


1. Plan yourself with a schedule

Plan - Flexi Times

Having a schedule or a plan will always guide you.

Daily take a diary or a piece of paper and list all the works you have to finish the next day before you go to sleep.

If you are a working professional, list all the office works, meetings, and other works.

If you are a student, schedule the subjects you have to cover and your online classes.

If you are a homemaker or a self employee, you may be already practising this. Keep up the work.

Make a schedule with your works and mark the times and dates if you need to remember.

Always have a plan before you start any work, which would make you productive.

2. Keep up your fitness

Fitness - Flexi Times

Before lockdown, all the gyms, the parks and the yoga classes were open.

But now?

Are you going to lose fitness?


Keep your fitness up even you cannot go out.

Do simple exercises or just a morning and evening walk.

Cook some nutritious foods and have a diet plan.

This is very important.

Do not eat A LOT.

Since you are at home nowadays, it is hard to burn calories, so eat only how much you have earlier.

3. Try something new

Try new - Flexi Times

Take the benefit of the time that you used to travel to your office or college and come back.

Usually, people go out around 7 to 8 in the morning and come back home around 5 to 6 in the evening.

So approximately you have an extra hour in the morning and evening.

If you are a student and getting ready for your exams, you all can use that time.

But, if you are a working guy, DO NOT WORK during those 2 hours.

Try something new.

Cook a meal for your family, do gardening, try to groom yourself, or try professional makeup.

Try something new that you didn’t have time to do before.

Trust me, guys.

Even you are a millionaire or billionaire, Cook a meal for your family, which will give your heart full happiness and satisfaction.


4. Have a family time

Family time - Flexi Times

We all have a family who is waiting until we come back home.

Make use of this time now.

Talk to your children, parents, and grandparents.

Listen to what they are telling.

Always eat together. Have your dining filled with all the members.

Share your meal and treat others.


5. Continue learning

Learn - Flexi Times

Never stop learning, not only during this lockdown, for your entire life.

No one in this world learned everything. We still have a lot to learn.

Have a look into new techs, ask your teens to teach you all how to get into social media.

There a lot of free courses available now. Due to the current situation, most of the highly ranked universities are offering courses for FREE. Get advantage of those.


6. Separate workspace or study space

Work space - Flexi Times

Always have a separate place for your office works and college works.

Make sure nobody disturbs or interrupts you when you are working and studying.

Especially if you have small kids in your home, give them some toys or colour books.

Engage them in some activities and do your office and college works.


7. Update yourself every day and Keep in touch

Keep in touch - Flexi Times

Watch the news or social media or read e-newspapers.

Update yourself on what is happening all around the world.

Call your colleges, college mates, and friends and talk about how they are doing.

Keep in touch with them.

Be first to help anyone in need.

Give moral support to those who are in depression and stress. We never know what others are undergoing.

So do what you can.


Support you, your family, and all around you.

If you have inspired or got something out of my post, share this with your friends. 

Somebody would find it useful in some ways. 

Give your support in the comments. Thank you. 

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