Fruity Milkshake @ Flexi Times

Summer is already started and… 

Still, we all are suffering all around the world with the prevailing situation and lockdown.

No one can go out for this summer vacation. 

All are worrying whether is it safe to order foods and drinks out.

So all we need are recipes which are good for health.

And which are easy to try at home. 

Fruity Milkshake @ Flexi Times

In this post, we’ll see how to make a delicious fruity milkshake at home.

Fruits are very good for our health and to improve our immunity.

Fruits have a lot of vitamins which save us from most of the diseases.

Let’s give a try to delicious fruity milkshake during this lockdown.

Without any delay quickly go into the recipe.

Fruity Milkshake Recipe 

Take a half-litre of chilled milk and the fruits you like to have it in the milkshake.

Mango, Banana, and Apple would be good choices.

You can even add watermelon.

It helps to hydrate your body for this summer.

Peel the fruits and cut them into cubes.

Take a mixer jar or any juicers that you have.

Add milk, all the fruit cubes, and add some sugar or honey for taste.

My choice would be honey because it has its own benefits.

Now, blend for like 30 seconds.

If you love smoothy milkshake, blend more for like 10 seconds.

Serve the fruity milkshake with ice cream. 

Fruity Milkshake @ Flexi Times  

Thank you guys for reading share the recipe this summer with your family and friends.

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