Ingredients you need:
500 ml Milk 
Corn flour
Instant Coffee
Cinnamon Powder
Egg whites
Fresh cream
Chocolate chips for garnish (Optional)

Make Coffee Custard 
  • Take 6 tablespoons of gelatin and mix with the same amount of water.
  • Put 3 tablespoons of cornflour into ¼ cup of milk and mix.
  • Boil the rest of the milk.
  • Once it boiled, set the flame to medium and add ¾ cup of sugar and prepared cornflour mixture to the boiled milk.
  • Stir continuously for 2 to 3 minutes.
  • When it starts to get thick, take it off from the flame.
  • Now add instant coffee, a small pinch of salt and a half teaspoon of cinnamon powder and stir well. 
  • Heat the dissolved gelatin in low flame to make it melt.
  • Then add the melted gelatin to the coffee custard and mix well.
  • Keep it out for some time to cool completely and place it in the fridge.
Make whip cream for topping 
  • Take 3 egg whites and ½ cup fresh cream and beat well.
  • You can use a beater or mixer to prepare the whipped cream.
  • Whip till you get a thick cream.

Time to Serve your COFFEE MOUSSE!
Take it off from the fridge, after coffee mousse set well.
Decorate with the whipped cream and chocolate chips. Serve with cool.

Try your coffee mousse today and share your comments with Flexi Times . 

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