Hello Friends,

Everyone wants to lead a healthy lifestyle.

Don’t you?

So, follow the 5 simple tips to have a healthy life. 

You won’t regret it after reading this. 

Continue reading and leave your comments below.

5 Simple Tips for a Healthier Lifestyle @ Flexi Times

1. Drink a glass of water after you wake up from the bed.

Do this as the first thing after you wake up from the bed. 

Do not take iced water nor hot; Take a glass of warm water and drink.

It refreshes the stomach after 7 to 8 hours of sleep.

And also it helps to expel all the things taken before the last night.

If you do not like to have water alone, add some lime into it. 

5 Simple Tips for a Healthier Lifestyle @ Flexi Times

2. Have a workout plan

You can workout early in the morning or in the evening after you come from the office.

But what I prefer is to do it in the morning, because you may feel tired after 8 hours of office work.

Have a timetable and follow.

You do not have to join the gym and do heavy workouts.

You can do a simple walk or run. Do some simple exercises like bending and stretching.

Having a daily workout plan helps to burn the extra calories and makes the body fit.

5 Simple Tips for a Healthier Lifestyle @ Flexi Times

3. Plan your meals.

Most people fail to have a properly balanced meal in their day to day life. 

Have a schedule and plan what you are going to take for the whole week.

By doing this, you can track the foods and drinks that you are taking and the protein and vitamins they are offering.

5 Simple Tips for a Healthier Lifestyle @ Flexi Times

So, have a schedule for all seven days of the week.

Write down what you are going to eat and drink for the whole week.

If you are skipping meat in your meal, take protein shakes instead.

Take fruits and vegetables a lot. If you do not like to have raw fruits, make smoothies. How to make fruity milkshake – Best drink to try this summer

4. Cleaning routine

Once a week take an oil bath or 

Get a nice sunbath on the beach.

Sun rays are capable of giving more vitamins and energy to the body.

5 Simple Tips for a Healthier Lifestyle @ Flexi Times

While taking daily wash, put some pinch of salt and lime into the water. 

It helps to refresh the body.

Once in a week or twice a week, check your nails and do your manicures pedicures at home.

5. 7 to 8 hours of sleep

Do not skip your sleeping hours, because, during that time, the body gets prepared for the next day.

So your body needs rest to function well.

If you feel difficult to sleep and wake up in the morning, read this article The 10 Best Tips to Wake Up Early in the Morning

5 Simple Tips for a Healthier Lifestyle @ Flexi Times

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