wake up early morning
Are you an early bird or a night owl? 
Ask this question to yourself.
If you go to bed after 12.00 o'clock., YOU ARE A NIGHT OWL. Even if that is 12.01 a.m. 
If you are not a night owl, but still can’t be an early bird, 
Don’t worry you are in the correct place. 
You may have tried so many hacks to get up early in the morning or still trying.
In this post, I’m gonna 10 best tips to become an early person. 
All these 10 I have personally practised and I’m pretty sure it would work for you as well.

1. Set an alarm. Keep away. 
You may have heard and tried 1000 times. But have you done correctly?
Is it just as setting up an alarm at 6.00 a.m. and turn off?
Set the alarm, only one alarm. Set it at 6 or 7’o clock preferably to you.
And keep your alarm away from you. It may be your phone or alarm clock. 
Keep it away in a place where you can hear
Trust me this would make you get up and go to turn it off. 
The important thing is after you turned off, force yourself to go to the bathroom. 
Do this continuously for a month. After that, your body gets adapted to the new schedule. 

2. Start to become an early bird slowly.
All of a sudden owl can’t become an early cuckoo bird. 
Do not start setting up an alarm at 3 o’clock or 4 o’clock early in the morning. It would affect your body.
So, start slowly. 
Set your alarms at 8 o’clock and then slowly change to 7 and then 6.
Gradually change the wake-up time. 

3. Do not snooze
Never snooze your alarm.
It’s a very bad habit that you have to ignore. 
Do not snooze your alarm, force yourself to get up.

4. Tell your girlfriend/boyfriend or bestie to give a MISSED call every morning.
If setting up an alarm doesn’t work, you can try this.
You can ask your gf or bf or your bestie to give 3 missed calls. 
Do not answer the call and talk all day.
Once you got the 1st missed call, force yourself to get up. 
During the 3rd missed call, you should be in the bathroom.
Make sure, your phone is not in silent mode and turn off other notifications.

5. Sleep for 7 to 9 hours. 
This is very very important. 
Even if you set 100 alarms when you go to sleep a late night, no hacks will work. 
So, go to bed before 10 o’clock. 
Tell your mind, ‘You can watch movies, play games and do whatever tomorrow’ and go to bed.
Many researchers have proven our human body needs 7 to 9 hours of sleep. 
Then, only the body gets enough rest for the next day. 
So if you go to bed at 10 o’clock, you can wake up around 6 o’clock in the early morning. 
Your body gets 8 hours of sleep and you can start your day freshly. 

6. Keep up doing it on weekends also.
Waking up early during weekdays and sleep till noon during weekends won’t make you an early person.
This will make your body follow the same schedule thus makes an unhealthy sleeping routine.
So, make yourself follow the same waking time on weekends and holidays.

7. Do not watch horror or terror movies/series late at night.
Another big mistake we all make is watching horror movies a series late at night. 
This would mentally affect your mind. 
Even if you try to sleep, the mind won’t let you sleep. 
You should go to sleep with mind peace, so you can listen to good music or watch comics or read a good novel, do what you enjoy. 

8. Do not eat a lot at night, and eat before 1 hour from bedtime.
This is a very good habit that everyone can not only for a good sleep, and also for a healthy diet.
Make your dinner meals lite. Do not eat a full bowl. 
You can take fruit instead. Checks on fruits that are good to eat at night. 
Importantly have your dinner 1 hour before sleep. 
If you gonna sleep at 10, take your dinner around 8.30 to 9 o’clock.

9. Put the phone to silent.
Unless you are following the missed hall hack explained in tip 4, put your phone to silent mode.
Do not check your phone from time to time on the bed.
Turn off your mobile data, wifi everything, and put your phone aside. 
Make sure you have a landline or anything to contact you in an emergency. 

10. Track your progress. 
This is a very efficient method to show your progress to yourself. 
Everyday mark the time you woke up.
It can be on your calendar, personal note, or sticky note, but where you check daily.
This would motivate your mind and body to get up early in the morning.
Getting up early is very productive. 
Many researchers and big leaders have proven this. 
Getting up early is not hard if you practice in the right way.

I’ll share with you all how you can make your mornings productive in my next post.
If you have any other hacks worth sharing, please share them with us in the comment section below. 
Thank you guys for reading. 
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